Energy Resource Articles
Eco News - One of the expanding sectors within eco news is media related to alternative energy. Our blog, Energy Refuge, is an example of this type of website.
Eco Shop - An eco shop is an outlet that provides green, environmentally sustainable products. There are eco shops for all types of products.
Biodiesel Cost - Biodiesel cost depends on the market price for vegetable oil. On average, B20 costs 20 cents per gallon more than pure diesel.
How to Make Biodiesel - Why do people want to know how to make biodiesel? Find out why biodiesel is so amazing!
Eco Friendly Clothing - Eco friendly clothing are usually made of organic fabrics or, in some cases, from recycled materials that may include PET bottles and rubber from inner tubes, to name but a few.
Eco Living - One of the most established aspects of eco living is reducing, reusing and re-cycling, in that order. Reducing consumption is the first step towards a green living standard.
Eco Friendly Cars - Right now, the main types of eco friendly cars are flex fuel models, hybrid electric and electric cars and hydrogen vehicles.
Living Green - Many people have started living green lifestyles as part of their contribution to mitigate climate change and preserve the planet's natural resources.
Eco Business - The eco business concept can be applied to any line of business, from carpet cleaners to travel operators. The principle of sustainability is relevant to any area of expertise.
Green Paper - A switch to green paper can have an enormous benefit to the environment. Find out how the green paper industry works.
Eco Schools - Initiatives known as Eco Schools seek to help school communities develop ecological literacy and environmental practices so that school children become environmentally responsible citizens.
Green Roof - One of the trends in eco design is building a green roof. This consists of vegetated roof covers with plants, growing media, or the engineered soil taking the place of concrete, tile or shingle roof.
Eco Store - Eco stores sell organic products such as pesticide-free cotton clothing, organic grocery, energy efficient appliances, devices operated with solar power and fair trade products, to name but a few.
Green Technology - Green technology plays a key role in the transition to a carbon-free, sustainable economy.
Making Biodiesel - Making biodiesel is one of the most effective ways for drivers to wean themselves off the gas pump.
Eco Clothing - Eco clothing refers to fashion whose design, sourcing and manufacturing takes into account both social and environmental issues, such as the use of pesticides in crops like cotton, labor conditions and recycled materials.
Sun screens reduce summer heat - Sun Screens block up to 90% of the sun's harmful UV rays and reduce temperatures in rooms by as much as 20 degrees.
Getting off the grid - Getting off the grid is a term that refers to a home using alternative energy and not consuming any electricity from the local electric company's grid.
Green Home Heating - As a concept, green home heating means heating the house, or retaining heat, more efficiently to avoid waste and/or source the energy from a renewable source whenever possible.
Green Home Heating Systems - There are active and passive green home heating systems. Find out which one will suit your home best.
Algae Biodiesel Stocks - Investing in algae biodiesel stocks is still limited to a small number of companies and only suitable for those betting on long-term returns.
Go Green - Go green and make changes in the way you live so that you can reduce your carbon footprint and save the environment.
Green Builders - Green builders build innovative green design projects that are more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly than the average home or business space.
Eco Friendly Houses - Creating an eco friendly home is only a matter of putting available resources to use. Find out how to create a dream green home here.
Green Products - Choosing green products every time we’re faced with a choice between a sustainable and a non-sustainable option is within reach for most of us.
Green Homes - Green homes can play an important role in environmental preservation and save the homeowner thousands of dollars.
Biodiesel Processors - A biodiesel processor is a mechanism whereby used or unused vegetable oil is converted for use as vehicle fuel. There are several models available.
Eco Fashion - Eco fashion is a broad concept but in general it means clothing lines that source their materials from sustainable sources (pesticide-free cotton, for example), organic and recycled materials.
Going Green - One of the most effective ways of going green is switching to alternative energy. Find out how to have a better impact on the planet.
Eco Gifts - Eco gifts are gifts with a low or zero carbon footprint, with lots of recycling potential, second hand or perhaps even a utilitarian that runs on renewable energy such as solar power.
Green Jobs - Green jobs, sometimes also called green collar jobs, refer to employment in industries that are somehow linked to sustainable development and clean technology. Find out more about green jobs here.
Eco Friendly Bags - These days there are plenty of eco friendly bag options. Stop using plastic and get on board with eco shopping bags.
Green Book - Is there such a thing as a "green book". Find out about eco publishing here.
Jatropha Biodiesel - Jatropha biofuel made headlines in the first half of the 2000’s as a very promising alternative to gasoline.
Eco Friendly - The terms eco friendly or environmentally friendly refer to goods, activities or services that cause very little or no harm to the environment.
Biodiesel Production - The most popularly used method of biodiesel production is by the base catalyzed reaction. It is very economic and suitable due to several factors.
Eco Building - An eco building is one where several factors are taken into account, such as energy sourcing, siting, waste and pollution issues, water collection, insulation, landscaping and the sustainability of materials used.
Make Biodiesel - Some people make biodiesel at home so as not to rely on domestic biofuel. Find out how they do it!
Green Power - Green power, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), is a sub-category of renewable energy and it refers to the greenest types of renewable energy, the ones that provide the highest environmental benefit.
Eco Friendly Shopping Bags - Many people are switching to eco friendly shopping bags, which are often sold at major retailers, because plastic bags are so harmful to the environment.
The Great Warming - The Great Warming is a moving documentary film about global warming that urges action on climate change and ecological issues.
Global Warming Myth - There is a global warming myth and it is shocking. Find out what this myth is and why it exists.
Grasspave2 - If you are want to revolutionize parking, concert arenas, or high erosion areas then you should consider the Grasspave2 parking system.
Green Architecture Design - Green architecture design incorporates renewable sources of energy into the architecture of a building.
Green Blogger Needed - EnergyRefuge.com is looking for a green blogger- someone with a passion for the environment and alternative energy.
Green Building Methods - Green building methods are an approach to building and architecture that favors environmentally sound and resource-efficient methods.
Green New Years Resolutions - Top 5 green New Years resolutions for green living. Count down to the new year with the environment in mind.
How Green Are You? - How green are you? Take our test and see where you stand?
Hydrogen bioreactor - NanoLogix, Inc. has filed over 22 patents in the commercialization of technologies for alternative sources of fuel.
Jetta TDI Biodiesel - The VW Jetta TDI biodiesel range is a quiet type of car that offers a smooth drive and runs on the new Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel.
Maritime Geothermal Ltd. - Maritime Geothermal Ltd is a privately owned, Canadian based manufacturer of geothermal heat pumps.
Nuclear plants coming to Texas - Two new nuclear power units in Texas will be part of a giant alternative energy plan to construct more power plants across the country during the next decade.
Patio Sun Screens - Patio sun screens are unique types of awnings that can be used to bring down the temperature of your outdoor sitting and working areas.
Photovoltaic Installation - If you need photovoltaic installation, make sure you hire someone with some knowledge and, ideally, some training.
Photovoltaic Power - Photovoltaic power is sun power harnessed through crystalline silicon panels. The solar panels capture sunlight and turn it into electricity.
Salton Sea Geothermal - Salton Sea geothermal field is the largest of three major geothermal energy production sites in the Salton Sea Known Geothermal Resource Area, or SSKGRA, in Southern California's Imperial Valley.
Sustainable Building Design - Sustainable building design incorporates renewable sources of energy into the architecture of a building which saves you money and protects the environment.
Unstoppable Global Warming Every 1500 years - We reviewed the book, Unstoppable Global Warming Every 1500 Years, and we have the facts you need before reading this book.
World Cup Green Goal - Green Goal is an initiative to conserve energy and promote alternative energy awareness at the World Cup.
Zegrahm Eco Expeditions - Zegrahm eco expeditions helps eco-conscious travelers and their like-minded companions explore the wild places and ancient cultures of the earth.
Eco Mortgage - If you�re eco-minded and planning to get a mortgage, you can combine both interests with an eco mortgage.
Eco Shred - Eco shred companies specialize in the destruction of sensitive and confidential paperwork and ensure that the shred is recycled.
Geothermal Education Office - The Geothermal Education Office is a non-profit organization based in California whose aim is to promote public understanding about geothermal resources and its importance in providing clean sustainable energy while protecting our environment. To achieve that, the Geothermal Education Office produces and distributes educational materials about geothermal energy to schools, energy/environmental educators, libraries, industry, and the public.
Geothermal Geologist Jobs - Geothermal geologist jobs usually involve a lot of field work, so those interested in a career in renewable energy, should have a flair for science and enjoy research.
Geothermal heating and cooling - Geothermal heating and cooling systems use the earth to provide up to 50 percent of a building's total heating and cooling needs.
Geothermal Uses - There are many geothermal uses. Find out why geothermal energy is such a popular renewable energy source.
Geothermal Video - Find some of the web's top geothermal videos reviewed here, and start providing up to 50% of your home's energy needs.
Big Green Bus - It has been nicknamed the Big Green Bus. It is the product of the work of 12 Dartmouth students who are showing the the world that alternative fuels do indeed work.
Biodiesel Exhaust - Is biodiesel exhaust safe? You will be surprised to find out how clean biodiesel really is.
Biodiesel Expansion - If you�ve never really heard of the biodiesel expansion before, it is simply a term that members of the renewable energy industry are using to refer to the explosive growth that is happening in this field.
Biodiesel Heat Exchanger - A biodiesel heat exchanger is a device that transfers heat from one medium to another. Find out more here.
Biodiesel in Idaho - Biodiesel is expected to be sold on a retail level in Idaho by late summer.
Biodiesel Performance - In order to achieve optimal biodiesel performance, fuel-grade biodiesel production must meet strict industry specifications such as the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments.
Biodiesel Plant - Biodiesel plant need to have strong environmental safety policies in place to avoid accidents and to enforce evironmental and human safety.
Biodiesel Price NJ - Biodiesel prices in New Jersey (NJ) are typically pretty competitive with regular diesel prices, if not better.
Calpine Geothermal - Calpine Corporation is a Fortune 500 company headquartered in Houston, Texas that explores geothermal energy from sources such as The Geysers in California, where it runs 19 of the 21 geothermal plants.
Carbon offsets - Carbon offsets are meant to reduce net greenhouse gases and help fight global warming. Is that what they do or not?
Coso Geothermal - Coso Geothermal Field is one of America�s largest producers of geothermal electricity, located in Coso Volcanic Field, within the China Lake U.S. Naval Air Weapons Station near Ridgecrest, California.
Cost Of Building A Green Home - With recent technical improvements, the cost of building a green home can be lower than that of a conventional home, besides boosting the welfare of the people living in the house and the community around it.
E85 getting auto industry attention - General Motors introduced this week three additional models designed to burn high concentrations of ethanol, part of a major trend in the auto industry to offer flexible fuel vehicles.
Eco Air Conditioning - The best eco air conditioning is provided by nature, which can be tapped via smart architectural and design decisions.
Eco Carpet Cleaning - You should consider eco carpet cleaning for the environment and for your health..
Eco Closet - Every part of the home can be green, including your closet: enter the eco closet!
Eco Concept Cars - Eco concept cars are examples of future-oriented car design with a concern for a vehicle's environmental impact.
Eco Friendly Hand Dryers - Should you use an eco friendly hand dryer or paper towels in a restroom? Which is more eco friendly? Find out here.
Eco Friendly Homes - The building industry is starting to further develop eco friendly homes, thanks to more demand and better technology.
Eco Friendly Hosting - Eco friendly hosting is a great way to watch your carbon footprint and help control greenhouse gas emissions.
Eco Friendly Insurance - Get eco friendly insurance and reduce your impact on the environment.
Eco Friendly Laptop - Eco friendly laptops are hard to find, but with current eco friendly measures and with other still unheard-of eco-innovations, it may become the norm and not the exception.
Eco Homes - Eco homes should be powered with renewable sources of energy such as solar, wind and geothermal. Find some general guidelines here!
Advantages of Biodiesel - The main advantages of using biodiesel comes from the fact that its exhaust emissions contain less particulate matter, carbon monoxide, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, while sulfur-containing compounds appear to be undetectable.
Algae Biodiesel Investments - Algae biofuel investment is set to grow in the near future as methods to extract the fuel from the plant becomes more efficient and scalable.
Alternative Vehicles - Alternative vehicles, that is, vehicles that run on non-fossil fuels, are the best answer for those looking for a guilt-free driving experience.